The LEMONOC Seminar is developed for European higher education institutions that wish to reflect and improve their practices in learning mobility with the Global South.

During the seminar we analyse qualitative learning mobility and offer an interactive dialogue between participants and coaches. You get the chance to learn from each other perspectives, share and reflect upon your vision and expectations concerning qualitative learning mobility with the Global South.

You will become familiar with the LEMONOC tools and be trained in their usage and obtain feedback on the practices of your home institution. You will formulate aspects for quality improvement of the institutional practices and how to commit to improve them.

Fee for a one day seminar: 1500 Euro (travel and subsistence included)

Contact: coordinator@lemonoc.eu


Part 1: Why learning mobility with the Global South? About purpose, vision and mission.

After sharing good practices and identify criteria for qualitative learning  mobility we offer an interactive dialogue where we go back to the core business, to our vision, our ‘why’. What is important? How do we work together with partners? …

Part 2: The LEMONOC criteria for good practice in learning mobility

We introduce the LEMONOC criteria and reflect critically upon these criteria and look what is relevant for your organization.  The LEMONOC tools will be introduced.

Part 3: The future: actions, strategy and implementation

What will the future offer for international learning mobility? Discuss actions, opportunities, implementation strategies and the challenges of quality improvement for your organisation with us. We combine our skills and experiences and look for solutions.